

We are committed to creating a welcoming environment. We ask that you support us so that we can all have a tranquil vacation.

1) Communications regarding leases, rentals and house maintenance

Home owners who sell, lease or rent are required to insert into the contract these Comunione rules and regulations and to present a written copy of these same rules and regulations. The new owner, leaser or renter is responsible for the observance of them.

The home owner who sells, leases or rents is obligated to communicate the name, address and cell phone number of new owner, leaser or renter to the Comunione’s Administrator by email, registered mail or PEC.

Home owners who are planning repairs, renovations or restructurings are required to communicate the name, address and cell phone of the company in charge of such works to the Comunione’s Administrator by e mail, registered mail or PEC.

2) Garbage and rubbish

Garbage/Rubbish needs to be placed outside of the house after 21.00 and prior to 08.00.

Separating by wet, dry, plastic etc. is required; not doing so can result in fines from the local authorities.

The weekly summer schedule is as follows:

  • – Monday Dry, Wet
  • – Tuesday Dry, Wet
  • – Wednesday Dry, Wet, Plastic
  • – Thursday Dry, Wet, Glass
  • – Friday Dry, Wet, Paper
  • – Saturday Dry, Wet
  • – Sunday Dry, Wet

During the rest of the year the schedule is as follows:

  • – Monday Dry, Wet, Glass
  • – Friday Dry, Wet, Paper, Plastic

Regarding bulky items such as refrigerators, washing machines and similar, home owners are required to make an appointment with the EcoCenter of Pula and to advise the Administrator when these items are ready so that they can be picked up by the Comunione’s workers.

From July to September 10 a maximum of two dry bags of pine needles will be picked up on Tuesday afternoons.

Download Instructions and Schedule (pdf format)

3) Gate entrances

Home owners are asked not to distribute the remote control to non home owners (gardeners, cleaning companies, businesses etc.).

The same applies to the codes at the main entrance and the one at the Market. Please make sure that the gate is securely closed after passing through.

4) Streets, parking and speed limits

All motorized vehicles, without exception are required to maintain the speed limit of 20 km/hour on all streets within the Comunione.

No motorized vehicle is permitted on the beach unless authorized. For the safety and security of all PARKING IS FORBIDDEN NEAR OR ON INTERSECTIONS AND CURVES. The Administrator is authorized to vary directions/one-way streets and issue fines according to the presiding rules and regulations.

5) Beach:

On the Communione’s beach it is forbidden to:

• Walk dogs unless life guard or service dogs

  • Place beach-umbrellas on the shoreline
  • Play racket and ball games
  • Leave beach-umbrellas or chairs on a permanent basis
  • Use radios or any other noisy instrument or machine
  • Access the beach area by any motorized vehicle

Please ensure that no paper, glass or any other garbage/rubbish is left on the beach. There are bins for this purpose. We all desire a clean beach!

6) Sports centre

All home owners and their guests have access to the Sports Centre. A payment is required for the use of the tennis and basketball courts, calcetto, bocce and beach volley facilities. This payment contributes to the management and upkeep of the facilities.

Within the Sports Centre it is asked that the following rules of conduct are followed:

  • In order to ensure the peace of home owners in the vicinity, no sports and leisure activities are permitted between 24.00 and 08.00 and between 14.00 and 17.00.
  • Please place all garbage and rubbish in the appropriate containers.
  • All animals must be on a leash.
  • Treat all the equipment and games with care
  • No motorized vehicles are permitted with the grounds of the Sports Centre.
  • Bicycles must use the appropriate, designated paths.
  • Children over the age of 8 should not use the games and facilities dedicated to small children.
7) Fires and bans on accumulations

Home owners are obliged to clean their properties every year by May 31st. 

In addition, they are required to follow all the rules and restrictions issued by the Forestry Department responsible for the areas around Santa Margherita di Pula. The laws of the Forestry Department and its Inspectorate as well as the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Artisanship and Agriculture of Cagliari must be scrupulously adhered to.

When pruning hedges, trees et al. Please remove all resulting debris.

All lots must be suitably fenced in or enclosed. Enclosures must not exceed 2 meters, of which only 0.6 meters in masonry. If masonry is utilized, the remaining part of the enclosure may consist of wood, wrought iron or metallic netting, always allowing light to pass through.

The accumulation on or outside lots of twigs, cut grass, pine needles and the like is not permitted.

8) Domestic Animals

Home owners must not permit their dogs to wander freely on the beach, in the streets of the Comunione or within their own lots. Should owners allow their dogs to run freely on their own lots, then a fence is required, at the owners cost, to prevent the dogs from exiting the lots.

Owners are asked both to adhere to the prevailing national laws as well as to respect the peace of the Comunione’s residents with regards to controlling their dogs barking.

9) Noises

All residents are asked to control the volume of their radios, televisions and loud speakers so that such noises and voices cannot be heard outside of their own lots. They are as well asked to respect the general peace and quiet of the Comunione and in particular of their neighbours.

The use if lawn mowers, compressors, or any other noise making machine is prohibited every day from 13.00 to 16.00 and before 08.00 during the period, June 15 to September 15.

From July 1 to August 31 all house restructuring, building or renovation is forbidden.

10) Defibrillator

A defibrillator is available at the office of the Administrator. In case of emergency please call maintenance manager at 339 7357408

11) Fire emergency

During the period July 1 to September, within the Comunione, a fire fighting team is active 24 hours a day.

They are reachable at 349 2751357

Download the emergency plan

12) WI-FI

Both in and around the office of the Administrator and the kiosk at the Sports Centre, free WiFi is available.

Please ask the Administrator for the password.

13) Useful phone numbers
  • Fire Fighters (July 1 – September 15, 24 hours) 349 2751357
  • Pierangelo Fracchia (Administrator) 335 466250
  • Sandro Piddiu (Maintenance Manager) 339 7357408
  • Pierluigi Olla (Assistant Maintenance Manager) 349 1256592
  • Office Santa Margherita 070 921125
  • Office Cagliari 070 492975
14) Contact


15) Office hours

Every day except Sunday, 09.30 to 13.30 and 1630 to 19.00

Tuesday, Thursday and Wednesdays 10.30 to 12.30, Saturday 09.30 to 12.30